Version Information =================== Version 2.5.4 (01/31/2015) -------------------------- + Updates for new graphics system in Matlab R2014b. + Added option to query design spectra from USGS website. + Cleanup of all the response spectrum functions. + Some minor bug fixes. Version 2.5.3 (08/31/2014) -------------------------- + Added GreenHeart geometry template. + Added newly available elements. + Added newly available materials. + Added newly available OpenFresco objects. + Added new option to run on multiple cores using OpenSeesSP. + Added parallel solvers from OpenSeesSP. + Minor performance improvements. + Many other bug fixes. Version 2.5.2 (08/31/2013) -------------------------- + Improved mixed models (frames + solids) capabilities. + Optimized writing of TCL files for speed. + Added newly available elements. + Added newly available materials. + Added newly available OpenFresco objects. + Improved eigenvalue analysis capabilities. + Improved Rayleigh damping definition. + Improved import capability from SAP2000 *.s2k files. + Performance improvements. + 10-times faster loading of OpenSees results. + Many other bug fixes. Version 2.5.1 (08/31/2011) -------------------------- + Added new option to plot time series. + Added total reaction force recorders. + Added recording time interval and dof options to recorders. + Added several new uniaxial material templates. + Improved import capability from SAP2000 *.s2k files. + Fixed movie generation for 64-bit systems. + Several other bug fixes. Version 2.5 (06/16/2010) ------------------------ + Added full support for Mac and Unix platforms. + Improved the determination of analysis sequences. + Added local force recorder for truss element. + Added ReinforcingSteel uniaxial material template. + Added Concrete04 uniaxial material template. + Added HyperbolicGap uniaxial material template. + Modified damping definition to be associated with analysis cases. + Updated TimeSeries definition to use tags. + Added option to specify the material when recording fiber quantities. + Several other bug fixes. Version 2.4.2 (12/16/2007) -------------------------- + Added SimDomain and SimFEAdapter experimental control templates. + Moved experimental elements from Line Element to Experimental menu. + Fixed a bug with the Geometry Templates that crashed Matlab R2007b. + Added support for FullGenEigenSolver that returns all eigenvalues. + Added batch processing capability from outside OSN. + Fixed a bug in the dSpace experimental control. + Multiple instances of the PlotResponse window are now allowed. Version 2.4.1 (10/16/2007) -------------------------- + Added Clough uniaxial material template. + Added box fiber section for built up sections. + Added Joint2d element template. + Added mass as an input parameter for generating response spectra. + Improved hysteretic material interface. + Improved nodal selection interface to accept coordinate ranges. + Fixed a bug with the add element interface related to shells. Version 2.4 (07/16/2007) ------------------------ + New geometry template for single solid mesh. + Added area and solid mesh. + Added the following nD-material templates: - ElasticCrossAnisotropic3D - FluidSolidPorous - MultiaxialCyclicPlasticity - NewTemplate3DElastoPlastic - PressureDependMultiYield - PressureDependMultiYield02 - PressureDependentElastic3D - PressureIndependMultiYield - Template3DElastoPlastic - user defined material + Added the following solid element templates: - Brick8N - Brick8N_u_p_U - StdBrick - user defined element + New Animate Response post-processing interface: - change element color depending on their response (disp, vel, accel, stress, strain, pore pressure, etc) - display principal stress and strain + Fixed several multiple-support excitation interface bugs. + Several other bugs have been extinct. Version 2.3 (01/01/2007) ------------------------ + Added display preferences. + Added interface to assign element loads. + New elastic response spectra and design spectra generation. + Added ability to check and update older OSN models to conform with latest release. + Several bugs have been extinct. Version 2.2 (11/01/2006) ------------------------ + Extended geometry templates for 3D cases. + Added multiple-support excitation interface. + Updated all the experimental interfaces to conform with OpenFresco version 2.0. + Several bugs have been extinct. Version 2.0a (01/26/2006) ------------------------- + Self-executable version for win32 systems available. + New user defined OpenSees material templates. + Interfaces for new integrators in OpenSees 1.7. + Several bugs have been extinct. Version 2.0 (03/16/2005) ------------------------ + New graphical user interface (Fonts, Screen sizes……). + Ability to load previously defined TCL files (so far Geometry only). + New 2D/3D Geometric Templates (CBF,EBF,Shell). + New model structure to allow users to add/remove nodes and elements efficiently. + More complete OpenSees Material/Section/Element libraries. Including nD-materials, area sections and area elements. + Additional functionality to source user defined analysis scripts. + Additional post processing functions, such as, user-defined response functions. + Additional design toolbox for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE).